Our Partners
Photo-Sonics International Ltd. has long standing partnerships with the following partners

Datatel Telemetry
Manufacturers of bespoke short range wireless telemetry for rotating mechanism since 1976, Telemetrie Elektronik GmbH and their partners are the go to expert in their field.

Eon Instrumentation, Inc.
Manufacturers of rugged, military grade COTS Video Splitters and Interference Blanker Units.

GS Vitec
Manufacturing powerful yet energy saving LED lighting for high speed photography and digital image correlation for over 20 years.

Image Systems
With routes dating back to 1983, Image Systems produce Image Motion Analysis Software and Digital Image Correlation solutions that provide accurate and valuable measuring results – fast.

A range of precision timing solutions now owned by EON Instrumentation, Instrumentation Technology Systems products have been used the world over to know what happened when.

Kappa Optronics
Kappa Optronics GmbH has more than 40 years of experience in cameras and vision systems in rugged and certifiable designs for anything that drives or flies.

OnTime Networks
Since 2000 OnTime Networks have designed and produced ruggedised solutions for Ethernet-based communications.

Photo-Sonics Inc.
Manufacturing precision optical and photograph equipment since the 1920's, our US parent company now manufacture HUD cameras and optical tracking mounts.

Safran Data Systems
Manufactures of a flight test instrumentation, both on-board data acquisition and ground telemetry stations.