Ground Telemetry Instrumentation
With 45 years of experience in flight test telemetry ground stations, our partners at SAFRAN Data Systems design and build instrumentation to meet the ever evolving needs in the aerospace industry, and that performs reliably in the most challenging environments including at sea, the artic, and the tropics.
Example of a Complete Turnkey Flight Test Telemetry Ground Station
The complete end to end solution begins with a range of antennas, from compact portable units to those with reflectors from 1.8m to 7.3m in diameter, mono, dual, and tri band feeds. Each options comes with a modern, user friendly, Antenna Control Unit (ACU) to ensure the most accurate tracking and to deliver telemetry reception for mission-critical applications.
The above schematic illustrates the use of two antenna to receive telemetry from a far ranging aircraft; a COMTRACK mobile antenna typically used in the field, and larger Sparte dish antenna with tri-band feed typically fixed, though can be transportable or mounted on the deck of a ship. The RF output of the antenna is then converted into the required data stream (Analogue PCM / DQE-DQM / Ch10 / IRIG 218-20) by either the RTR-X1 or RTR-X4 high performance RF telemetry receivers. In addition, prudence may suggest recording the raw RF signal for replay in case something is missed. The RSR RF Recorder is ideal.
A Best Source Selector determines which of the two antenna and receiver pair is receiving the best quality telemetry and in turn feeds a PCM stream to the GMDR recorder, and a PCM Ch.4 or UDP Ch. 10 data stream to a PC running the eZ Processing software for near real time monitoring and the review of recorded data from the GMDR.
Where ever it is located, all hardware can be controlled using Safran's Maestro Mission Control Software. And it's all COTs, non ITAR.

COMTRACK Telemetry Tracking Antenna
COMTRACK is an S- or L- or C-band auto tracking phase array antenna designed for telemetry applications, aircraft and helicopter flight tests, UAV datalink and surveillance solutions on fixed and mobile stations.

SPARTE Telemetry Tracking Antenna
The SPARTE pedestal is a 2-axis tracking telemetry antenna which is widely used by testing organisations around the world. The antenna is robust, accurate and simple to maintain.

Tri-band Antenna Feed
We offer the best match for performance, flexibility and price with this patented miniaturized tri-band feed (L/S/C).

RTR-X1 Compact Telemetry Receiver
The Cortex RTR-X1 is a small-size dual channel telemetry receiver with pre-D combiner that covers all IRIG frequency bands and all IRIG-specified modulations.

RTR-X4 Radio Telemetry Receiver
The Cortex RTR-X4 is one of the most advanced digital telemetry receiver on the market with its well-recognized RF performance and signal processing capability.

BSS Best Source Selector
The perfect tool to select the best Telemetry source received from multiple antennas tracking the same airframe, in real time.

RSR Radio Signal Recorder
The RSR offers direct recording & reproducing of RF/IF signals (in L or S-band).

GMDR Ground-Based Data Recorder
The DATaRec® GMDR family from Safran Data Systems sets new standards for ground based flight test instrumentation and represents the next generation of FTI.

TM Maestro Mission Control Software
A software application developed by Safran Data Systems to provide Test Ranges with a capability to monitor and control all telemetry related equipment used by the operators to carry out a Flight Test trial.