DIC & Image Motion Analysis
Photo-Sonic have partnered with Image Systems to bring you the most advanced image motion analysis software available. Various packages offers fast and accurate measurements of movement without strain gauge sensors.
See what happens when a car crashes, the orientation of a bullet the instant before impact, or how can an athlete can optimize their movements to gain better results. These are just three of the hundreds of different applications where the movement, orientation or shape of an object, can be measured and analysed.

TEMA Pro Digital Image Correlation
Digital Image Correlation (DIC) performs non-contact surface deformation and strain analyses.

TrackEye Motion Analysis
TrackEye is the world leading system for advanced motion analysis on military test ranges.

TEMA Classic Motion Analysis
Thanks to its high accuracy, modular structure, calculation speed and intuitive user interface, TEMA Classic is used by professionals across the globe.

TEMA Pro Motion Analysis
In addition to TEMA CLASSIC’s set of algorithms, Outline and Digital Image Correlation are part of the default package which makes TEMA Pro the most advanced tracking suite on the market.