Technical Library
We have created some technical content to help you select the right product for the right application. But if you are still unsure please ask Photo-Sonics for guidance.

ARINC 429 Avionics Data Bus
An Introduction to the ARINC 429 Avionics Data Bus.

Digital Image Correlation (DIC)
Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is a proven, non-contact method for measuring deformation and strain in an object under test.

IRIG Instrumentation Standards
An Introduction to the Inter-Range Instrumentation Group (IRIG) of the Range Commanders Council (RCC), White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, USA.

IRIG 106 Chapter 4, Telemetry / PCM
An introduction to IRIG 106 Chapter 4, Telemetry, Pulse Code Modulation (PCM).

IRIG 106 Chapter 7, TMDL
An introduction to IRIG 106 Chapter 7, Packet Telemetry Downlink (TMDL) 2015.

IRIG 106 Chapter 10, DRS
An introduction to IRIG 106 Chapter 10, Digital Recording Standard.

IRIG 200 Time Code Formats
An introduction to IRIG 200 Serial Time Code Formats; IRIG A, IRIG B, IRIG D, IRIG F, & IRIG G.

MIL-STD-1553B Avionics Data Bus
An introduction to MIL-STD-1553B Avionics Bus for Military Aircraft and Aerospace.

Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
An introduction to Precision Time Protocol (PTP).